Category Archives: Reviews & Top Posts

Portable Draft Beer Serving Options! + Limited Time DEAL on Jockey Boxes

portable serving

Looking for options to serve your draft beer home brew on the go?  Here’s a roundup of some of the available options for your next tailgate, party or get together.

Included in this Post:

  • Growlers
  • Carbonation Caps – used with PET Bottles
  • Small Draft Systems
  • Tips and Tools for Filling Growlers and Small Draft Containers
  • Techniques and equipment for dispensing full corny kegs of beer
  • Finding Smaller Homebrew Kegs
  • Coolers and Ice Packs
  • Chilling and Keeping Your Keg Cold
  • Cloudiness

Limited Time Deal on Jockey Boxes!

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TBT, Remember?…. The Growler Saver Pressurized Growler Cap

Hands on Review: GrowlerSaver Pressurized Growler Cap

The Growler Saver Pressurized Cap was designed to work on standard growlers. You could charge the growler with CO2 using a handheld charger to maintain carbonation and preserve freshness. It had a built in PRV to help protect against over pressurization.

The Growler Saver Cap.  Left side is the CO2 port.  Right side is the Pressure Relief Valve.

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Homebrew Recipe for Pliny the Elder – Brewing MoreBeer’s Pliny the Elder Recipe Kit

Updated: 6/17/2024

MoreBeer has collaborated directly with Vinnie Cilurzo, owner and brewer at Russian River Brewing Company, to bring you recipe kits for Pliny the Elder double IPA as part of their BrewMaster Series of recipe kits.  From the description “This is THE original Pliny recipe”.

Limited Time DEAL Save via MoreBeer’s Recipe Sale!

For a limited time, MoreBeer is discounting their massive lineup of  200+ beer recipe kits and all brewing ingredients, malt, hops, yeast & more by 10% when you use coupon code MOREBEER4ME

Recipe Kits at MoreBeerAll Grain Kits | Extract Kits | Beer Ingredients – use coupon code MOREBEER4ME

Recipe Kits To Consider

Check Current Price and Availability:

An Hour Long Chat with Vinnie Cilurzo from Russian River!

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Building a Dry Hopper for Corny Kegs – Dry Hop Under Pressure!

Thanks to /u/NachoTacocat on r/homebrew for this photo and build info!

Benefits of Fermenting Under Pressure + The Challenges of Dry Hopping Under Pressure

Fermenting under pressure has some great benefits. One of the challenges that using this method presents is… dry hopping. When fermenting under pressure the beer is carbonated. Adding dry hops to a fermented and carbonated beer, especially one at relatively warm fermentation temps equates to a Mentos+Diet Coke sort of situation. The hops provide lots and lots of nucleation points that can cause the beer to erupt expelling foam all over the place in the process denaturing head retaining proteins.

FermZilla fermenters from Kegland have a ready made solution called the Hop Bong. It allows you easily dry hop under pressure. Since the beer and dry hops are under pressure you don’t have foaming problems when dry hopping.

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Use a Wallpaper Prep Tray for Cleaning, Sanitizing and Storage of Longer Brewing Items

Pictured: Zinsser 98030 30-Inch Wallpaper Prep Tray – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Updated: 5/22/2024

Part of Our Homebrew Tips and Tricks Series.  Check out the complete list – Homebrewing Tips, Tricks & Shortcuts! This is a Top Post! See: All Top Posts

I use a wallpaper try to clean and sanitize longer items like racking canes, auto-siphons, spoons, tubing and beverage out dip tubes.  It works great.

These also work well for storing longer items.  If you’re going to store things in these, I would recommend stacking a couple together to give them some extra strength.

What are Other’s Saying?   Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “brew” – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

Another similar option are planter boxes.  They are generally sturdier than wallpaper prep trays and they’re about the same length.  Since you can get away with one your total cost may end up being less.

Zinsser 98030 30-Inch Wallpaper Prep Tray – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link


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Five Star recommends limited contact time with ALL plastics.  See: Star San Tips – Materials Compatibility + Do Not Soak.

Star San Tips and Tricks

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Make sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application.  Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application.  Always read and follow manufacturer directions. tag:lnksfxd 12.20.10 toppost:wptray rp:tips#32 tag:tpr

BrewZilla Gen 4 Temperature Control and Programming Tips and Tricks

July 24, 2024

This write up is by Homebrew Finds Contributor Brad Probert.  Brad is an engineer, expert homebrewer and experienced reviewer.  Grab a link to Brad’s website at the end of this review.

BrewZilla Gen4 Temperature Control and Programming Tips and Tricks

The BrewZilla Gen4 has a list of features that make it unique from other All-In-One brew units. Those are covered here: But there are some significant functions and features that need a deeper look to fully understand them. In this write-up, I will focus on temperature control as well as programming tips to automate your brew day.


When I first got the BrewZilla Gen 4 with the Bluetooth temperature probe, I didn’t understand it. I thought it just gave me the option to use either the temperature sensor in the base of the unit (like most other AIO units), or the Bluetooth as a wireless probe sitting in the grain bed. But that’s not it. It uses both sensors SIMULTANEOUSLY. No mass market controller does that- AIO or otherwise. To get that kind of functionality you’re talking a custom-built controller running some of the advanced brew control software.

Learn More: Hands on Review: BrewZilla All Grain Brewing System!

Kegland’s implementation of dual-probe control is very simple and straightforward in the BrewZilla. To best understand how this works, you need to think of your system in its recirculation loop. The wort drains down from the grain bed to the bottom, gets heated by the elements in the base, then gets sucked into the pump to get dumped on top of the grain again. The Bluetooth probe sits in the middle of the grain bed, and base sensor sits in the small volume of wort getting heated by the elements. When you’re at a steady target temperature, both of these probes should read about the same, as you ideally have uniform temperature throughout your system.

Compare BrewZilla Prices, How-To Continues Below:

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Not Just for Bars Anymore… Using Interlocking Bar Mats Around Your Home Brewery!

In spite of not actually having a formal home bar, I’m a big fan of… bar mats.  Generally speaking these are made for food-related uses and  they’re designed to be wet from time to time.  They provide a nice surface to set things on all the while increasing air flow.  That increased air flow helps get and keep things dry.  Better airflow can also help regulate temperature better.

Personally, I’ve used San Jamar’s Versa Mat, but many other similar products are available.  Mine are 12″ x 12″, lock together for use in larger areas and can be trimmed when needed.

On the shelf of my brewing area work table – TRINITY EcoStorage NSF Stainless Steel Table, 48-Inch – Hands on Review – helps things dry.

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Short On Time? Time Saving Homebrew Tips!

time saving homebrew tips

Time can be a big factor when it comes to homebrewing.  Sure, it may be nice to spend sunrise until sunset carefully hand crafting a batch (or batches) of beer, but the practicalities of life can and do factor in when we’re deciding if we can brew a batch of beer.  For your stage of life, time may not be a factor.  If so, that’s awesome.  For others, time saving tips and techniques could help you brew more often.

With those thoughts in mind, I put the call out to the HBF community [8 Ways to Connect with HBF] to get some time saving tips and tricks.  A selection  of those along with some of my own thoughts follows.  Thanks to all who participated!  A full list of contributors is at the end of this post.

Limited Time Deal, Flash Sale on Flash Kits! flash brewing

From MoreBeer:

Introducing MoreBeer!’s Flash Brewing Kits! Designed for both novice and seasoned homebrewers, these innovative recipe kits allow you to simply mix the ingredients with water and add yeast for fermentation. This streamlined process not only saves you valuable time but also simplifies brewing without sacrificing flavor. Say hello to a faster, easier way to craft exceptional beer at home.

Typically, brewing requires you to boil your malt and hops for one hour, followed by another hour for cooling. Flash Brewing eliminates the need to boil. Our Flash Brewing Malt recipes have been boiled and whirlpooled before they are dried. We then use a HopBite™ shot for bitterness combined with a mix of traditional hop pellets and extracts for flavor. Flash Yeast™ starts quickly and consistently produces clean beer that lets the malt and hops shine. The result is a high-quality beer that will absolutely surprise you.

Learn More About Flash Brewing!

For a limited time MoreBeer is discounting Flash Brewing Kits by 15% when you use coupon code 15FLASH

Flash Brewing Kit Sale! – remember promo code 15FLASH

How do I save time home brewing? Continue reading

Hands on Review: Thermapen ONE Thermometer!

thermapen one hands on review

Updated: August 28, 2024

The Thermapen is a thermocouple thermometer produced by ETI, Ltd and sold by ThermoWorks. It’s used by restaurants, home cooks, homebrewers, grillers, bbq-ers and more

Limited Time Deal – Labor Day Sale!

Thermapen One by ThermoWorks

With full readings in ONE second or less, Thermapen ONE approaches the speed of thought—allowing you to focus exclusively on the quality of your work. Never has an instrument been able to achieve such speed and accuracy without sacrificing durability and usability…until now.

  • ONE. Second. Readings.
    Thermapen ONE almost moves at the speed of thought…allowing you to focus exclusively on the quality of your work.
  • More Accurate
    With an improved accuracy spec of ± 0.5°F (± 0.3°C), you’ll know your lightning fast Thermapen ONE readings are always accurate, as well.
  • Brighter Backlight
    The automatic backlight is brighter and the light sensor is more sensitive to changes in ambient lighting conditions.
  • 5-Year Warranty
    The newly designed rugged, waterproof case features a 5-year warranty against defects.

As of this posting, ThermoWorks is discount the Thermapen ONE by a whopping by 25%. No coupon code required, check product page to see if you can still get in on this.

Thermapen ONE

Check Current Price, Models & Availability:

My Thermapen ONE Review is hosted on my BBQ site BBQ Finds – it covers use for homebrewing and more.

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Make Your Own Canned Cocktails – Get a Home Canner!

Updated: September 9, 2024

If you’re looking to make your own home canned cocktails, you’re going to need a… canner. When I started a homebrewing years ago an an “affordable” system that was in the $10k, range. That was considered affordable at the time. I’m happy to say that times have changed. Home sized systems are available at a relatively reasonable cost.

Home Canning Systems:

Rare, Limited Time Deal:

Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer CAN100

  • MoreBeer has Cannular on sale for $399.99. That’s a $150 savings.
  • For some pricing clarity, I’ve seen USED units sell for more than this.
  • This is a rare deal because the regular version of the Cannular is under a MAP agreement.  That means that it, generally speaking, cannot be discounted.  I don’t know if this is a one-off thing or if the reverse roller version will be an ongoing offering.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is also free to most US addresses with a qualifying $59 order.  This includes bulky cases of new cans.
  • Learn More! Hands on Review: Kegland Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer – Homebrew Canner

Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer CAN100

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What’s the difference between Primary and Secondary CO2 Regulators?

VEVOR CO2 Regulator Gauge with 0-60PSI, Heavy Duty CO2 Gauge Gas System, Draft Beer Regulator with Check Valve, Adjustable Pressure Regulator for Draft Beer Homebrew (Triple Gauge Regulator)Pictured: VEVOR CO2 Regulator Gauge with 0-60PSI, Heavy Duty CO2 Gauge Gas System, Draft Beer Regulator with Check Valve, Adjustable Pressure Regulator for Draft Beer Homebrew (Triple Gauge Regulator) – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link

July 4, 2024

In the context of homebrewing or serving beer, a CO2 regulator hooks up to a compatible CO2 tank and steps down the pressure to carbonate and serve the beer properly. See: Balancing Your Kegerator Draft System  and Diagnosing and Fixing Kegerator Foam Problems

Single Body vs Multi Body Regulators

A typical CO2 regulator provides a single output pressure. It usually has two gauges, one for the high pressure side and one for the low pressure side, although it can have a single gauge. A multi-body regulator, provides multiple output pressures and typically has one high side gauge and one gauge for each serving pressure.

Get a Regulator!

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Hands on Review: Safecid Beer Line Cleaner

This review is by Homebrew Finds Contributor Brad Probert.  Brad is an engineer, expert homebrewer and experienced reviewer.  Grab a link to Brad’s website at the end of this review.

Safecid Cleaner

Those of us that have kegerators know that cleaning the beer lines is a necessary thing. We also know that cleaning them is a pretty unexciting event. Products for cleaning them are generally unexciting as well because they’re all pretty similar. There is one product that is different- Safecid Beer Line Cleaner.

Check Current Pricing & Availability:

These are affiliate links. Note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links

Safecid has both an acid cleaner and an alkaline/caustic cleaner. The cleaners are as potent as other cleaners, but their patented chemistry makes it non-toxic. This means it is neither harmful to people (skin, eyes), nor harmful to the water supply when rinsed down the drain. And that’s what makes it different from other cleaners.

Alkaline Cleaner Distinct Blue Color

See-Through Volume Markings

The Brewer’s Association publishes draft beer cleaning guidelines for bars/breweries. They recommend a cleaning period of every 2 weeks, based on research looking at bacteria build-up in the lines. The research looked at the growth of both aerobic bacteria (leading to sour and vinegar off-flavors) and anaerobic bacteria (leading to butter and caramel off-flavors). This bi-weekly cleaning is to be done with an Alkaline cleaner, and then every 3 months an acid cleaner should be used. The alkaline cleaner deals with organic compounds (bacteria) and the acid cleaner deals with inorganic compounds (beer stone). They point out that the cleaning frequency is not dependent on how much beer is flowed through the lines- busy taps or slow ones alike.

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Hands on Review: Kegland Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer – Can Your Homebrew!

Updated: 5/21/2024

This review is by Homebrew Finds Contributor Brad Probert.  Brad is an engineer, expert homebrewer and experienced reviewer.  Grab a link to Brad’s website at the end of this review.

Kegland Cannular Can Seamer

It’s been a long road for craft beer to be accepted in cans and not bottles. But it has been well established that cans are OK, too, and some take it even further to tout cans as a superior storage vessel for beer. I’ll avoid a full-blown comparison of the pros & cons of each, but I do feel it worth noting a couple of the selling points cans have. One is the claim that cans provide better storage with a more oxygen-proof seal than bottle caps, and 100% light blocking versus even brown colored glass. There is probably lots of debate on those two topics, but one benefit that is universally recognized is transportability. Cans are lighter and more compact, a whole lot less fragile, and you can take them to beaches and pools where glass containers are banned.

On the homebrew scale, until recently, the canners available have either been hand-crank monstrosities that look like an exhibit from a museum on the industrial revolution, or electrically driven units that look like steampunk movie props and cost a couple thousand dollars. Then in 2019, KegLand from Australia started exporting their Cannular can seamer that sells for $525 for the unit + power supply and is electrically powered. This changed the landscape significantly in the homebrew world, making canning much more within reach.

Rare, Limited Time Deal:

Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer CAN100

  • MoreBeer has Cannular on sale for $399.99. That’s a $150 savings.
  • For some pricing clarity, I’ve seen USED units sell for more than this.
  • This is a rare deal because the regular version of the Cannular is under a MAP agreement.  That means that it, generally speaking, cannot be discounted.  I don’t know if this is a one-off thing or if the reverse roller version will be an ongoing offering.
  • Get Free Shipping: Shipping is also free to most US addresses with a qualifying $59 order.  This includes bulky cases of new cans.
  • Learn More! Hands on Review: Kegland Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer – Homebrew Canner

Cannular Bench Top Can Seamer CAN100

Compare Prices, Review Continues Below:

Empty CanLid on Foam

The Cannular operates with a combination of manual lever pulling and electric motor spinning. You start the process out with an empty aluminum can with no top on it. You sanitize the can, fill it with beer, and then take a sanitized lid and set it down on top of the can (ideally on foam, to ensure minimization of air in your canned product). From there, it gets placed on a small pedestal and a lever turn raises the can up into the machinery of the can seaming operation and locks it at that height. The push of a button gets the motor spinning and the can on its platform starts spinning around. Grabbing a different lever, you push back and hold it for a couple seconds, then pull it toward you for a couple seconds, and you’re done. Turn off the motor, lower your can back down on the pedestal, and you’ve canned one beer.

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Hands on Review: BrüMate Hopsulator Trio

brumate hopsulator trio review

BrüMate Hopsulator Trio

I received a BruMate Hopsulator Trio as a birthday present from my beloved daugher. I had seem them around, but hadn’t had a chance to pick one up yet, so I was excited about the present.

BruMate makes a number of can coolers or high end coozies. These generally double wall insulated stainless steel construction and are designed to work with different sizes of cans and for some models (like the Trio), they’ll also function as tumblers all by themselves.

Hands on Review

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Hands on Review: StirStarter Stir Plate

This review is by Homebrew Finds Contributor Michael Gom.  Read more about Michael below.

Hands on Review: The StirStarter Yeast Stir Plate

Why make a yeast starter?

A yeast starter can really help insure you have healthy, viable yeast for your beer especially when using liquid yeast. For this reason I always prefer to build up a starter whenever using a liquid yeast (or re-pitching a saved yeast). I won’t get into effectiveness of different starter methods but a popular choice for homebrewers is to use a stir plate, a magnetic stir-bar and a flask of some sort (erlenmeyer flask in most cases).

Full disclosure, I was sent this product for free to do this review. Though I did try and put it through multiple real-world tests and have given my honest opinion on function and performance.

Compare Prices, Review Continues Below:

Also: StirStarter XL 5L Stir Plate – on sale for just $68 – Compare at $80 to $99.99

Also Mentioned in this Review: Cole-Parmer elements AO-34502-65 Cole-Parmer Elements Erlenmeyer Flask| 3 Pack, Magnetic Stir Bar – 50mm / 1.96 Inch

Unboxing and packaging

All the parts and components arrived in a single, compact zip-loc bag.In the bag, an information sheet with info on the company, yeast starters, etc.

Also included is an envelope with an instruction sheet, as well as the “keeper” magnet taped to the back.

As well as the power adapter (in it’s own cardboard box), the stir plate itself, and the stir bar.

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Hands on Review: VineCo Wine Kits!

Updated: 5/15/2024

Thank you to HBF Contributor Aaron Nord for this hands on review!  Aaron is an advanced award winning brewer, a long time reader and a serial tipster!

VineCo Wine Making Kits

First and foremost, it should be known that I am a homebrewer and what follows detail my nascent experience as a hobbyist winemaker. The way I entered the world of homebrewing was by means of a boxed kit (I think it was a Brewer’s Best kit) and a starter equipment kit. Therefore, it felt familiar to me to do the same for this foray into winemaking. Knowing that the box would hopefully contain nearly everything I needed to turn out a tasty beverage (aside from adding my own water and some wine bottles) provided comfort and allayed some concerns I had about being a first-time winemaker.

The VineCo Series wine making kits are available from MoreBeer and come in a myriad of varieties and categories including basic fruited wines (almost in the style of a wine cooler) to premium ones presumably designed for the more refined palate. What’s more, they also tailor them to country or region-specific wines like a Washington Riesling or an Australian Shiraz. My partner and I are fans of red wines and for that reason the California Cabernet Merlot and the Italian Amarone appealed to me. The Amarone style is offered in two different categories from VineCo, the Signature and the Estate. The Signature kit is a little pricier but comes with grape skins, oak cubes, and bottle labels. I chose the Estate kit to keep it simple for my first experience. The California Cabernet Merlot is only offered in the Estate line so that choice was easier.

Make Your Own Wine!

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Hands on Review: Tubby “The Lifetime Glassware” Ultimate Beer Pint

Updated: 4/23/2024

It’s not often that I add to my collection of beer glasses. I’ve been a homebrewer and craft beer lover for a good number of years now and have many opportunities to pick up beer glassware. When I ran across these they looked cool and sported some unique features so I wanted to give them a try.

Hands on Review Tubby The Lifetime Glassware – The Ultimate Beer Pint Glass

Front of the box. It reads… Tubby Two hand-blow 16oz glasses

Back of the box. It reads… While on the journey to find the perfect beer glass, our eureka moment hit us – wider and shorter is better for beer. With a Tubby you can smell your beer like you’re standing next to an ocean of craft brew. You can confidently put down your beer wherever you want since it won’t tip over like those silly tall & skinny pint glasses. Our personal favorite part? The rolled rim for ultra-comfy drinking. We hope the Tubby becomes your favorite glass for every beverage. Let us know what you’re drinking @whatsinyourtubby. Cheers, Same and Craig Founders of Tubby

Check Current Price, Description and Availability:

These are affiliate links. Note that multiple variations of these products may be available, as such a different version may appear at these links.

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