Taprite T752HP Dual Pressure Kegerator CO2 Regulator [multiple carbonation levels and more]

Taprite T752HP Two Product Dual Pressure CO2 Regulator by Taprite

More Info

From the product description, check product page for current description, price and availability:

  • Large easy adjusting knob to increase or decrease delivery pressure
  • Each regulator has a sentry shut-down safety built into the body that instantly protects the dispensing system in the unlikely event of regulator failure
  • Outlet features shut-off with back flow check valve and 5/16″ I.D. hose barb nipple
  • Permanent quad-ring seal on inlet nipple helps eliminate leaks, no need to use a fiber washer each time tanks are changed
  • Blow-off is factory set at 55-65 psig


A two pressure regulator gives you the ability to keep kegs at different pressures.  This is a requirement to maintain two distinct carbonation levels.  It’s also handy if you want to force carbonate a keg more quickly, at a higher pressure, while maintaining your standard serving pressure on a keg that’s already being served or if you want to have a utility line for purging kegs and such.

As of this posting, Taprite products are Made in the USA.  See: About on Taprite’s Website for current information regarding country of origin.  Print screen 8/8/17

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Taprite T752HP Two Product Dual Pressure Kegerator Co2 Regulator

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