Custom Stainless Steel Tubing – choose diameter, lengths, bend angles, multiple bends

Customized stainless steel tubing created just for you to your specifications from Brew Hardware for your brew system, brew stand and more.

From Brew Hardware: “We get calls every day to create pieces of stainless tubing with certain dimensions and bends. Until now, everything had to be quoted case by case. We hope this configuration tool helps automate the process a bit. First, we have 304 welded tubing in sizes ranging from 1/4″ OD all the way up to 5/8″ OD and we have the ability make clean bends up to 180 degrees.”

Prices vary based on the options you choose.  Check out Brew Hardware for options and explanations on how to enter your order.



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Prices, shipping and availability can change quickly. Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time this post was published; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit the product page. Check the product page for current price, description and availability. rp:customsstubing

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