Buy Blichmann Riptide Pump – Get a Free Stainless BBQ Tool Set
Discounts on Blichmann gear are rare. They are under MAP (minimum advertised pricing) agreements that make sales difficult. There are periodic workarounds.
FREE Stainless BBQ Tool Set: Brewer Dude wants to to help you enjoy some BBQ on Labor Day along with your awesome homebrew. To help out spend $125 at Brewer Dude and they’ll give you a free 12 piece stainless BBQ Tool Set. The $125 can be ANYTHING – minus gift cards. No coupon code is needed, the BBQ tool set will be automatically added to your cart. See: FREE BBQ set from Brewer Dude for some purchase ideas.
This promo works with EVERY piece of gear including… Blichmann, Anvil, SS Brewtech, Mark II Keg and Carboy Washer and more. It also stacks with $7.99 flat rate shipping when you place a $35 order. That ships your whole order to most US addresses for a flat rate $7.99 shipping.
Blichmann Riptide Pump at Brewer Dude
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