500 x .01 gram Digital Scale [1/100th gram resolution!] – hops, water salts & more
500 x .01 gram Digital Scale
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Tare Function: Tare allows you to subtract the weight of the container you’re using to get a true weight of the contents. Add your empty container to the scale and press the tare button. This zeros out the scale. Now add the thing you’re weighing and the scale displays just the weight of the contents of your container. In my opinion the tare function is essential for any good homebrewing scale.
What I like about this scale… I like the high resolution with a relatively large (give the 1/100th gram accuracy) capacity. I like that it has the requisite (in my opinion) tare features and that it uses easy to source AAA batteries [Search AmazonBasics Batteries]. Given the specs of this scale, it should work for weighing hops, water salts, smaller amounts of specialty grains (500 grams is about 17.6 ounces or just over a pound) and other brewing ingredients.
500×0.01g Digital Scales, VIAFOIA Portable High Precision Scales with Back-lit LCD Display – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
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