Top 10 Reasons to Brew Your Own Beer
Many thanks to Bryan Great Fermentations for this special Guest Post!
While the art of brewing beer has been around for centuries, homebrewing is a relatively new phenomenon. For us in the USA, it all began in 1979 when President Jimmy Carter signed the bill that made homebrewing legal for the first time ever. (Side note: we’re really glad that happened).
Today, with the craft beer industry growing at an exponential rate and thousands of new folks jumping onto the homebrewing wagon every year, getting started in brewing your own beer hasNEVER been easier.
Whether you’ve long been dreaming of whipping up your own IPA, or you’re a seasoned homebrew vet, here are 10 reasons you should brew your own beer.
1. You’ll Have fun.
Plain and simple, brewing your own beer at home is fun. It’s easy to get started, simple to do, and is one of the best ways to spend a relaxing, agenda-free afternoon. Brewing by yourself is a great way to chill out and get some quality “me” time, but brewing with a partner in crime is just as enjoyable, too.
2. You’ll have a greater appreciation for good beer.
Learning to brew beer on your own will help you understand how the beer you’ve been drinking for years is truly made. Homebrewing will help you have a greater appreciation for high-quality beer. Next time you find yourself hanging out at a bar, sipping on a pint, you’ll likely find yourself thinking about the intricate process the beer went through to finally make it into your glass.
Once you start homebrewing, you’ll never look at beer the same way again. And that’s a good thing.
3. You’ll always have your favorite beer on hand.
Don’t you hate it when the liquor store is out of your favorite beer? Talk about a buzzkill!
When you’re your own brew master, your favorite beer is always on hand. Sound too good to be true? We assure you, brewing the style of beer you love the most isn’t as hard as you might think. It all comes down to having the right ingredients and taking your time with the process.
4. You’ll make new friends.
Once you start homebrewing, you’ll find that there’s a large, welcoming community out there, full of people who will love to talk to you about your new hobby. Beer people are good people, and now that you’re brewing your own, you’ll have something in common with other DIY brewers who have gone before you.
5. You’ll save money.
Brewing your own beer is a cost effective way to drink it. Once you purchase the equipment needed to get started (which can start as low as $84.99), the cost per batch is relatively cheap — as inexpensive as $0.66 per beer!
Not to mention, the beer you’re brewing is high-quality and FRESH craft beer. Compare that to the cheapest beer you can find at the local liquor store and let’s just say, you’re giving yourself a good deal.
6. You’ll get to pretend you’re a mad scientist.
Surrounded by buckets, tubes, thermometers, and brew pots, you’ll feel like a bit of a mad scientist when you’re elbows deep in your latest homebrew. Even if chemistry was never your thing, this is an experiment you’ll be able to pull off. Brewing is actually the easy part, perfecting your maniacal laugh … that’s another story.
7. You’ll feel creative.
It might take some practice to really hit your creative stride with homebrewing, but once you realize that the sky’s the limit when it comes to creating your own recipes, you’ll feel like an artist at work.
8. You’ll be prepared for a global crisis.
No matter what may come your way, you’ll always have bottles on bottles of beer stockpiled away in your cellar. Just don’t be surprised when all the neighbors come knocking on your door next time the power’s out.
Oh and don’t forget, when the zombies take over, those of us still around will need someone to brew beer!
9. You’ll feel proud of your new creation.
Finishing a big project like a batch of homebrew is an incredibly satisfying feeling. You’ll feel proud of yourself that you picked up a new hobby, learned a new skill, and came out on the other side with something you and your friends and family can all enjoy together.
10. You’ll have an excuse to throw a party.
Speaking of enjoying things together, your homebrew will be the perfect excuse to invite over all your favorite people to try your new beer together. Everyone will be impressed that you were able to craft a beer that tastes this good and best of all; you’ll get to drink beer in good company. And isn’t that the reason we homebrew in the first place?
So what are you waiting for?
The fact that you read this is proof that you have SOME interest in brewing your own beer, and as they say: there’s no time like the present! We have plenty of homebrew starter kits for you to kick off your hobby!
Third Party Resource: This resource is part of our selection of top Third Party homebrewing resources. Check out the entire list of resources Third Party Homebrew Resources
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5. You’ll save money. No, no you won’t. Hundreds of dollars worth of equipment to do it right, recipes will cost $15 to $60 just for the ingredients. Brewing takes four hours per batch if you include cleaning and all the other BS. Much like deer hunting, just admit it’s something you enjoy doing and don’t try the justification of mental gymnastics with the excuse of saving money.
I pretty well agree with you. If you drink craft beer.. Can you save money? Yes. Will you saving money? Probably not.
Number 11. You can strive to recreate historic recipes. The reason I got interested.