Talk Like a Pirate Day… 13% Off – Includes Sale Items!

Thanks to HBF Reader Hedgie for this tip!  [8 Ways to Connect with HBF]


Adventures in Homebrewing is offering 13% off as part of their annual Talk Like a Pirate Sale.  Use coupon code LOOT to get the discount.

This is an annual sale at AIH.  One notable difference this year.  Typically the 13% off does not apply to items that are already on sale.  This year… it does!  A few exceptions do apply.  See Terms and Conditions for complete details.  Note: Use the apply gift certificate field for discount codes at AIH.

Visit AIH – Remember to use promo code LOOT

Check sale or product page for current availability & pricing sale

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3 thoughts on “Talk Like a Pirate Day… 13% Off – Includes Sale Items!

  1. Jeff

    I like adventures in homebrewing, but I couldn’t help put to notice that the price on their new 5g ball lock kegs went up the day this sale started to basically make the “new” price the same as what it was a day ago without the “sale discount”.

    I hate when places do that. If that’s already your best price, just exclude it from the sale. No shell games required.


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