Announcing: Small Batch Mastery – Homebrew Academy via Teachable
Joseph Lavoie of Beercraftr-dot-com has been brewing complex beers at home for more than six years. In that time, he’s made plenty of mistakes costing hundreds of dollars (probably in the thousands now), learned from those mistakes, tried new things, and has applied what he’s learned to make awesome homemade beer.
To share his love and passion of homebrewing, and to make it even more approachable for beginners, I asked him to share his experience with mastering small batch brewing.
In this exclusive course you are going to learn to brew beer in small, controllable batches that will allow you to experiment more frequently, enjoy a wider selection, and shortcut 6 years of homebrewing mistakes.
Homebrewing Mastery: Small Batch Mastery Edition – remember promo code SmallBatch
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pinnedSmall Batch, All Grain Stove Top Brewing + Water Calculation Spreadsheet
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