RaspberryPints Digital Tap List – Step by Step Tutorial
Raspberry Pi mini computers can be for lots and lots of things including putting together a temperature controller or for brew system automation and control. You can also use these computers in conjunction with Raspberry Pints to display a digital tap list with or without flow meters to track pints served and beer remaining.
Here is a step by step to setup RaspberryPints Digital Tap List by Derek Berner. Check it out – “nts” : Pints Without the Pi
Related: Make an E-Paper Tap Handle!
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Holy cow, recognition! I should warn folks that I’m not very active on my github issue tracker as this guide is almost two years old. Thanks for the link back!
Just wanted to say really enjoy the tech posts such as RaspberryPints Digital Tap List! Keep the tech coming!
Thanks Scott… Glad to hear it! As you can probably tell, I’m fond of this sort of thing myself. Cheers!