Colt Strong High Pressure Bench Bottle Capper – $41.99, Save 16%
Colt Strong High Pressure Bench Bottle Capper from MoreBeer. About: “This reinforced bench capper is solid, easy to use machine that will last for years of bottling. The base, column, head, and piston are all reinforced to make this capper very sturdy. The Trigger Grip adjustment mechanism makes is easy to change the height to accommodate a variety of bottle sizes.”
Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Colt Strong High Pressure Bench Bottle Capper B506 – $49.99 $41.99 + Free Shipping with $59 Order
Availability: This is a More Beer Deal of the Day. Quantities are limited. Check the Deal of the Day section – Here – to see if this is still available.
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