Brev Metal Bottle Capper – $9.49, Best Price
Bev Metal Bottle Capper. Reliable, durable and long lasting. MoreBeer has been selling this model since 1995. The product description praises it’s durability. Works with 26.5 mm caps.
Product Description – Here – Use coupon code BEERDEAL to get this discount.
Availability: This is a More Beer Deal of the Day. Quantities are limited. Check the Deal of the Day section – Here – to see if this is still available.
Brev Metal Bottle Capper B480 – $15.99 $9.49 + Free Shipping with a $59 order
Best Price: I can find three other times that I posted about this offering. Each time, it was offered as a deal of the day for $11.99. This is the best price I’ve seen. It’s possible MoreBeer has offered a better deal, but this is the best deal I’ve seen from them.
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