Update International 24″ Stainless Steel Whisk [Extract, All Grain & Whirlpooling] + Hands on Review
24″ Stainless Steel French Whip. Made of 18/8 stainless steel.
I own this whisk and it’s awesome. It’s my opinion that every full batch (5 gallon+ extract or all grain) home brewer should own one of these. Check out my hands on review of this whisk.
This whisk is great for: 1. Stirring in extract. It easily breaks up clumps, 2. Stirring the mash (either traditional or BIAB) and 3. Starting a whirlpool.
What are other people saying? Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “homebrew” – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
Update International FW-24 Stainless Steel French Whip, 24-Inch – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
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I use a wire whisk for my mash and love it. No more super-slow addition of the grain, I can add at a more reasonable pace and know that my whisk will disintegrate any dough-balls. I took a $3.99 wire whisk from walmart and added an extension of pvc to make it longer, but I would have purchased this had I known about it then!
I haven’t used it in a mash, but I will say that a whisk is *exceptionally* useful when brewing a batch with DME. It really breaks up the powder clumps quickly and easily. It makes all the difference in the world.