Adventures in Homebrewing Sitewide Sale

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A Search to Help… The sale pages allows you to sort by best selling. That’s great because you can see what other people are buying the most of. The down side is that smaller items can sell a lot and make the results unhelpful. For example, when you buy 2 row, you may buy 20 lbs. That counts as 20 items and makes 2 row show up high in the list. To illustrate that, the current top selling thing is an ice pack for yeast. Lots of yeast gets sold and lots of ice packs.

This search eliminates items that cost less than $60 AND sorts by best selling. The results are much more helpful.

Some Items to Consider

A Search to Help… The sale pages allows you to sort by best selling. That’s great because you can see what other people are buying the most of. The down side is that smaller items can sell a lot and make the results unhelpful. For example, when you buy 2 row, you may buy 20 lbs. That counts as 20 items and makes 2 row show up high in the list. To illustrate that, the current top selling thing is an ice pack for yeast. Lots of yeast gets sold and lots of ice packs.

This search eliminates items that cost less than $60 AND sorts by best selling. The results are much more helpful. sale

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