Mead Science: The practical science of mead fermentations Kindle Edition – $4.99
Mead Science: The practical science of mead fermentations Kindle Edition
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Mead Science is the mead book that takes a scientific approach to understanding mead, yeast, and fermentation for both the scientific and non-scientific minded. This book takes the complex and advanced science behind yeast and fermentation and breaks it down so it is understandable to everyone. Mead Science starts off with a brief synopsis on mead, the meadmaking process, and all the equipment needed to ferment, bottle, and keg mead. It then dives in to the biology and chemistry of yeast, nutrition, nutrition protocols, mead additives, honey and sugar, and all of the chemical compounds that make mead what it is. This book also includes chapters on developing mead recipes using standard ratios and explains some of the science behind pairing mead with food. Mead Science is the book for everyone who has wanted to know why exactly they do the things they do when making mead. If you have ever wanted to know why yeast need nutrients, why some meads taste like nail polish, and why fermenting at cooler temperatures results in more aromatic meads, then this is the mead book for you.
2/27/21 11 PM Central: This is selling for $4.99. Price and availability can change quickly. Please note that product prices and availability are subject to change. Prices and availability were accurate at the time this this post was published; however, they may differ from those you see when you visit Amazon. Check the product page for current price, description and availability
Mead Science: The practical science of mead fermentations Kindle Edition
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