Update.. Keg Connection has been… purchased
Keg Connection has been a great supplier of kegs, kegging systems, draft equipment, parts and more since 2007. For a time they opened up a complete homebrew store front that sold a wide array of ingredients and gear, homebrewsupply,com. They wound that down a few years back and it seems they are about to wind their entire retail presence down.
My contact at Keg Connection says that they have sold the website to another entity. That’s the term that was used “Todd sold the kegconnection website”. If it’s website only then the new owners are really buying a domain, graphics and an email list. I have no idea who’s behind the purchase but…
Buying intellectual property rights and email list sounds like something we’ve seen before. Hopefully that’s not the case and Keg Connection actually remains in business and not just a vanity brand of Northern Brewer as Midwest Supplies, Austin Homebrew Supply and Adventures in Homebrewing have become. Not that that I’m against that conglomerate, just that, in my opinion, the more homebrew suppliers, the better for our hobby. To be clear I have no idea what’s going to happen, who the new owners are or what they plan to do with the domain.
Keg Connection had a hand in the podcast and website Homebrew Happy Hour. No word on what’s going to happen with that or if that is part of the domain name sale.
Todd Burns the former owner of Keg Connection is also the person behind CMBecker brand equipment and more recently GovReg. It’s my understanding Todd will continue to manufacture and distribute CMBecker gear.
For more about Keg Connection see their Small Business Saturday story below.
If you have any clarifying information on this I’d love to know. Leave a comment on this post or contact me.
Update: 1-16-25
With today’s release of Homebrew Happy Hour I can tell you that the purchasers of the site are Brendan and Cary Hansen the guys behind Keg Outlet. I’m very happy that Keg Connection will remain a small business.
It seems as though it’s not a complete purchase as Brendan and Cary will essentially run the website while the folks at the original Keg Connection will actually continue to fulfill orders. Todd mentioned that Keg Connection had struggled with Google Ads and that’s something that Brendan and Cary are good at. That relationship is still a little murky to me. At this point I’m wondering if the folks behind Keg Outlet are essentially taking over marketing, website design, SEO and similar and the original Keg Connection staff will be still running day to day.
Current Keg Deals!
kegdealsKeg Connection’s Story
During the Black Friday season of 2016 Keg Connection had a Small Business Saturday Sale where they shared about their business. Here is that story.
“When Kegconnection began over 12 years ago, it was just a hobby that our founder, Todd Burns, was passionate about and it was 100% operated out of his corner lot back yard in the beautiful college town of San Marcos, Texas. His wife, Liz Burns, managed company operations at their home while Todd maintained his full time job which required him to travel frequently. As they were able to hire employees, it would still operate out of their home for another year and Liz would even cook meals for the crew throughout the day to help them save money on meals and to make them feel like the company was more like a family. Homebrew ball lock corny kegs were just about the only products we sold and Liz & Todd built up the company through honest prices and exceptional customer service.
Fast forward to 2019 and the business has grown but it’s still owned and operated by the Burns family. We’ve grown to a company of 13 employees and we operate out of the small central Texas town of Comanche. Most of our employees have been with us for several years and the Burns family continues to make us all feel like we’re part of their family. We now offer thousands of products for homebrewers and craft beer enthusiasts alike and our exceptional customer service is what has allowed us to continue growing and competing with the big guys in our industry.
We’re proud to be a small business in this industry! When you call our offices with your questions or for customer support, you don’t get a robot answering. We’re real people who love homebrewing and are thankful for the love and support you have given us over the past several years.
On this Small Business Saturday, we are proud to offer you the best deals of the year on homebrewing supplies and draft beer equipment as part of our Black Friday | Cyber Monday weekend sale.
The Team @ Kegconnection”
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