Hands On Review: Winco 4 Ounce Stainless Steel Portion Cups – for Brew Day Measuring & Samples
I’ve long been an advocate of using these sorts of portion cups for homebrew-related tasks. I’ve kept small (2 to 2.5 ounce) portion cups in my Brew Day Box for years. See: Hands On Review: Stainless Steel Portion Cups – for Brew Day Measuring & Samples for a review of those.
When I ran across these larger 4 ounce cups at a great price, I picked them up to use around my homebrewery.
These are generally intended for serving condiments and small amounts of food. Considering their size, materials and efficient design, they are also well suited for use on brew day and around the brewery.
Check Current Price & Availability:
Winco SCP-40, 4-Ounce Stainless Steel Round Ramekin Condiment Sauce Cups, 1 Dozen Pack – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
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You can use these to portion out hop additions and other boil additions and for pH and gravity sample containers. These are a great size and don’t take a lot of room since they nest together.
In the packaging
Wrapped out of the box
12 stacked cups take up minimal space
A look inside
A look at the bottom
I weighed one of these cups using my AWS-100 Digital Gram Scale – Hands on Review. It came out to 33.46 grams. That’s about 1.18 ounces.
Measuring hop capacity using my AWS-100. I used the tare feature to subtract the weight of the cup.
This is 65.37 grams of hop pellets. That figures out to about 2.3 ounces. The cup was full but not heaping full. Actual capacity is going to vary.
Homebrew Related Uses:
- These reusable cups are handy for portioning out hops on brew day Related: Recent Hop Finds
- Portioning other boil additions, including ingredients, water salts, Whirlfloc and more.
- Collecting and cooling refractometer samples.
- Collecting and cooling pH samples
I’ve been a fan of these sorts of cups for years. These are one of those small, inexpensive upgrades that are a big help. These slightly larger – as compared to the 2 to 2.5 ounce cups that I’ve used for a long time – are nice to have. Their ability to hold 2+ ounces of hops is a great feature especially for larger batches or for beers that feature lots of hops. Even with the larger size, they are still compact and easy to store.
What are others saying? Search this product’s Amazon reviews for “hops” – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
Other Options: There are lots of similar cups out there Search Amazon for “Stainless Steel Ramekins” to shop around. Look for a good size, quality materials (like stainless steel) and good reviews
Winco SCP-40, 4-Ounce Stainless Steel Round Ramekin Condiment Sauce Cups, 1 Dozen Pack – affiliate link, note that multiple variations of this product may be available, as such a different version may appear at this link
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greatdealsMake sure the components you use are compatible and rated for your intended application. Contact manufacturer with questions about suitability or a specific application. Always read and follow manufacturer directions. tag:lnksfxd review:4ozportioncups tag:tpr