Announcing: Barke Malt All Grain Pilsner Kit from William’s Brewing
Barke® Pilsner Mashing Kit
Made with premium Weyerman® Barke® Pilsner malt, this pale pilsner mashing kit features a rich continental malt flavor, balanced with German Hallertau hops.
Includes 13 pounds of Barke Pilsner Malt, 2 Hallertau hop additions, and priming sugar. Makes 5 gallons with a starting gravity of 1.065. Needed yeast not included, order separately above.
Note: The malt for this kit is unmilled to preserve freshness. If you do not have a grain mill, please pick a milling option. Fine milling is best for brew in bag and traditionial three tier mashing systems, while we recommend coarse milling if you have an electric system like a Mash & Boil, Brewzilla, Grainfather, or Anvil Foundry.
Choosing a Yeast
Interesting yeast choices with this one. Pick LalBrew NovaLager if you want an easy to use yeast that is forgiving of temperature variations. Pick Wyeast 2206 Bavarian Lager if don’t mind a yeast that is more fussy temperature wise, but will deliver a very clean lager if you keep it between 65 and 68 degrees F. Pick Fermentis SafBrew LD-20 (yeast with enzymes for the lowest final gravity) if you want a very dry and crisp lager with the maximum alcohol content. Keep in mind LD-20 will ferment the beer down to 1.000 or less, and it will be harder to naturally carbonate if you use sugar to carbonate, due to the higher alcohol content. This is not a consideration, of course, if you keg your beer and force carbonate.
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